The Fight or Flee PARADOX

The Paradox in managing Conflict

Fight of Flee? I  believe the correct answer is flight (=flee with might)!

Unfortunately some of us will just fight. Although difficult to move against your instincts, it is quite necessary. You should always avoid to fight. It maybe needed in very specific occasions but one ought to be able to control one’s thoughts so as to control one’s emotions and refrain from fighting.

This is the major point in modern living and modern management. Avoid conflict.

In the management arena, many things happen. There are times when all are on the positive side and momentum has been built, success is growing, morale is high and ambition and optimism for the future are at their peak. And then, when you’re at your highest peak, bad news arrive and they are impactful and totally against the positive flow that the company has struggled to create.

Exactly then is when the leader is most needed. He needs to stand up lead the team through this difficulty and keep them united and within the path of the common vision. But often, the leader has to manage a paradox, that is having to keep a team united when it was one of the key team members that generated the negative issue. Someone from within the team is to blame!

The PARADOX is that you need to unite a team that has at least one of its members posing against this unity. 

I have thought hard on this problem and I have found only one prominent solution, one that is 100% focused on emotion and subconscious responses rather than logical ones.

You see, it will be difficult for results to be achieved via logic. Talking about the issue and making the adversary change opinion is quite unlikely. The leader may try this but usually this method will not work. It needs a twist in its’ approach.

The adversary has taken a stand against the leader and it is not prudent to expect that the leader could talk the other party into persuading them to change their position. In contrast, the leader could threaten them into changing it (that would be fight) but one could achieve even better results by emotionally pushing the other side to reconsider and re-approach the team.

First, the leader has to focus on achieving to increase the perceived distance between the team and the adversary. By depicting the advantages of being within the team and by stressing the disadvantages of being away from it, the leader has to make the adversary feel totally isolated. Then, hopefully, This will make the adversary suddenly experience a strong emotion of “not fitting in” with the team, at all, and feel the loneliness of his position heightened and the need to return into the flock.

The leader has to bet on the birds of a feather flock together proverb. One (the adversary) cannot become a leader without anyone to lead. That is exactly the position the adversary has to be put in so as for the PARADOX to be resolved. 


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