Read This – Lesson from Hollywood (2) – “Redefining Operational Excellence”

Lessons from Hollywood 2 - Operational Excellence

To me, Hollywood man hunt police stories define the absolute benchmark in operational excellence. Read this and weep.

The Detective hunts the escaped Fugitive who has a head start. The detective needs to define an action plan in order to captivate the target.

A. Assembling “a team” : Operational Excellence Benchmark 1 – This is Possible though not probable

A large number of FBI, Local Police, Sheriff officials, medics, paramedics and firefighters, trained animals and willing civilians have gathered in the specific location. Although more that 100 people have arrived in a small location at a faraway county using a small county road, there is no traffic congestion, ambulances and firefighting units can move around freely. No obstacles. Journalists have also been alerted but are kept behind a police line that has just been perfectly established.

Benchmark 1 : All these have been flawlessly organised only minutes after the event without any real participation of an organizing authority or center. Even the Detective and his team flew in from hundreds of miles away (even a different state) within record time.

Everyone knows their place and task exactly. And they have all been magically summoned and they all fully respected the calling.

B. “Bring me a map” : Operational Excellence Benchmark 2 – This is Amazing & Futuristic

The Detective asks for a map. A willing officer undertakes the task without being prompted at all and brings it. The detective lays the map on the bonnet of a police car. There is always a sedan police vehicle next to the detective with a dry bonnet. The Detective says “Well, we are here” and shows the current location with his index finger on the map.

Amazing Benchmark 2 : The location depicted by the Detective is always on the exact center of the map. Excellent data manipulation and presentation and exemplary information availability.

It is as if the detective’s map is always printed on the spot and is centered based on the exact location and the needs of the operation at hand. The fugitive is seriously…. in disadvantage!


C. “I need a Secure Perimeter” : Operational Excellence Benchmark 3 – This is a Dream

The Detective asks for an extended 10 mile radius perimeter (this is really large) that will create a circle around the fugitive. He says “I need to set-up a perimeter, a block on the bridge, a team at the bus station, a team at the train station, a police car blockade on route XX and a number of boats going down the river to scout the river banks for the fugitive. Alert the village sheriff and the police of the close-by town”, and finally the Detective gives the main order of the operation. “Let’s GET HIM”.

Dream of Operational Benchmarks 3 : No one mentioned who goes where but everyone knows exactly where they should go. You know that because when the final order is given -“Let’s Get Him”- all participating officers and civilians turn around and move to one of the locations asked for by the Detective. Some of them were not even close to the Detective when he planned the operation but they somehow received the order and they act exactly as requested. “

A dream of assuming authority, planning, project management, task allocation and empowerment of staff all before the viewer’s eyes.

Do they finally “get him”. No !

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