Definitions – The cookie apocalypse – 1 of 3

AI Definitions

The cookie apocalypse refers to the deprecation of third-party cookies (3PCs) by major web browsers such as Safari, Firefox, and Chrome. Third-party cookies are used to track users across multiple domains and are often used for advertising purposes. The deprecation of 3PCs has been a steady but real looming threat to the status quo of how organizations do business and interact with customers.

The effects of this change can be felt already. According to initial reports, upon launch, only 4 percent of U.S. consumers chose to allow apps to access their IDFA tags. Facebook, which relies on 3PCs to effectively advertise on their network, warned investors of potential revenue impact, and began testing new ways to acquire consent from their users in response.

The lasting effects of these changes threaten more than just digital advertising. It snaps the thread of what enables organizations to achieve a true 360-view of the customer. If organizations do not put a plan in place that future-proofs their data infrastructure, authentication capabilities and data collection practices to consistently deliver strong business outcomes, they risk losing ground on progress they’ve already made improving targeting, personalization and experiential relationships with consumers.