InBzns – The way to… (idea #9)
InBzns – It is during our brightest moments that we must focus to see the dark that’s following. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
Train Yourself to Win!
Laconic Wisdom
InBzns – It is during our brightest moments that we must focus to see the dark that’s following. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – It is during our brightest moments that we must focus to see the real light. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Judge each day by the harvest you reap. The seeds that you plant will be harvested by the shareholder. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Always remember that you are NOT absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – When you reach the end of your rope, DO NOT tie a knot and hang on. Take the Next Step! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Business as Usual is what’s happening when you’re lazy and complacent. And it is not in your favor Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – If you set your goals ridiculously low and it’s a success, you will succeed below everyone else’s failure. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Your time is UNlimited, so it does not matter if you waste some of it living someone else’s life. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – The way to get finished is to keep talking and quit doing._ Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
Quote: Free will is an instantaneous phenomenon. It produces a very large number of imminent chain reactions and as a result immediately after its appearance, free will disappears into the multiverse of its consequences. The big-bang is a free will […]
Laconic Lessons in Values, for Life & for Business from the Greatest Athenian Quotes: (all by Socrates) The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. The unexamined life is not worth living. There is only one good, knowledge, […]
Quote: If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough. ― Mario Andretti Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
Quote: No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without even seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. […]
Quote: Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try. —Yoda Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
Quote: Build your own dreams or someone else will hire you to build theirs. —Farrah Gray Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
Quote: The secret of getting ahead is getting started. —Mark Twain Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
Quote: Two things define you: 1. Your patience when you have nothing. 2. Your attitude when you have everything. —Imam Ali Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email