InBzns – The way to… (idea #60)
InBzns – It’s true that when we all help one another, everybody wins, but most wish that others lose, so…! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
Train Yourself to Win!
Laconic Wisdom
InBzns – It’s true that when we all help one another, everybody wins, but most wish that others lose, so…! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Teamwork begins by building trust and trust begins by building teamwork. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Change IS possible without industry-wide collaboration, cooperation, and consensus. It happens all the time! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Can you find a group of people to challenge and inspire you? If you can, you are one in a million! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Can you find a group of people to challenge and inspire you? If you can, stick with them! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Lack of politeness is the easiest excuse for those avoiding collaboration. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – One of the strangest and simultaneously one the most welcomed ideas I have ever encountered (from James Cash Penney), is that “The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison”. Share this… […]
InBzns – The strength of each member is the team. The weakness of the team is within each individual member. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Talent wins a fight, but intelligence wins the WAR. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
Henry Ford – “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success”. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – They say that “those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed“. I believe the “collaborate” is enough! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – They say “Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results”. I Disagree. I believe that uncommon results are mostly circumstantial! Teams are tough! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – They say “Teamwork is the ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives“. No! That is a good director doing their job! Team are tough! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – They say “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision“. I say Teamwork is the ability to work together. Teams are tough! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – If you could whistle a symphony that normally takes a whole orchestra to play it, would you do it? Definitely YES. Teams are tough! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – If your ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind, then they are yours no more! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – They say that “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself”. Be careful, success is usually moving the other way from “everyone”! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Alone we can do little, together so much more, but it is rare to even feel “together”. If you have it do not leave it unexploited. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – one CANNOT achieve whatever the mind of man may conceive. Resources are important! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Dreaming is not a form of planning. It is just part of Ideation Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Never give or take any excuse. Just offer them to others! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – the following is possible: “Life is 100% of what happens to me and 100% of how I react to it.” Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – The most difficult thing is the decision to act but to actually take action. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – You become NOT what you believe, but what others believe you finally became. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Wanting to win is just a dream. Winning is everything. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – People will NOT forget what you said, people will NOT forget what you did, and people will often forget how you made them feel. Gratitude is rare! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – If they tell you that “believing you can, is halfway there” they are wrong. Believing is just the start. You need to work hard for it. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – The only person you are destined to become is…….. No way. You are not destined to become anything. You choose who you will become! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – The question is not who will try to stop you. Everyone will try. The real question is who is able to achieve it. You must always clarify this beforehand! Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re WRONG. You need to try first. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – You are NOT on the road to business success if you are not paid to do your job. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Your personal resolution to success is NOT more important than any other one thing. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Success requires a dream, a plan and a time frame. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Overnight success takes a long time. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Business success is not final; Be timid. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Some say business is trying things to see if they work. Actually, it is trying to make things work. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Working in your business is a long lesson in humility. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – If you do not make a living it will definitely prevent you from making a business. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Your career is NOT the most wonderful fairy tale. Others will not see it the way you do. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Things are really simple, but we insist on making them complicated so as not to look lazy. Do not fool yourself. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Succeeding once will never be enough. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – A career dedicated to other people’s goals is a career wasted. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – The only impossible business endeavor is the one you never go for. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Things are not fair, and definitely it is a good thing for most of us that they are not. Opportunities lie in market distortions. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Real business is a succession of lessons which must NOT be lived to be understood. Find a MENTOR Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – it’s not the years in your career that count. It’s the value created during these. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Avoid going where the path leads, but instead go where there is no path and make sure you DO NOT leave a trail. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – Whoever is happy will NOT make others happy too. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email
InBzns – It is during our darkest moments that we must focus and find the strength to see and face the even darker moments that are due. Share this… FacebookGoogle Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email