Are you Rich yet? See why not? Rich vs Poor

Shoes Rich vs Poor

This is an extract from a really enjoyable speech I had the rare chance to listen to and learn from. I noted down the differences between RICH vs POOR as the same apply between SUCCESSFUL vs NOT.

You will appreciate them:

  • Poor people watch TV – Rich people read books
  • Poor people get paid based on time – Rich people get paid based on results
  • Poor people blame others for their misfortunes – Rich people take responsibility for their own failures
  • Poor people focus on saving – Rich people focus-on investing
  • Power people think they know it all – Rich people continuously learn
  • Poor people believe that money is the root of all Evil – Rich people believe that poverty is the root of all Evil
  • Poor people have the lottery Mentality – Rich people have an Action Mentality

How many times have I fantasized in front of the TV about winning the jack pot and not having to go back to work the next day?

How many times does one regret not investing in an opportunity that passes by and lands at the lap of someone else?

How many times have you experienced having the rich and successful being badmouthed as if they were the root of all evil?

We need this mind change!

“I am InBzns”  //
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